Angled front view with bag zipped and handles upright.


Habakkuk 3:17-19. We’ve talked about Christian contentment from different angles and from different passages of Scripture in this series. But as we conclude, let's think about how we can stay content. Habakkuk was a prophet in a time of great turmoil and he looked at the world and questioned God about all the injustice and violence he was surrounded by. He wondered how is it that wicked people get away with their wickedness and it seemed like God wasn’t doing anything about it. The prophet comes to understand that God’s people do deserve punishment for their sins and God tells him that the Babylonians would eventually be destroyed for their wickedness. Habakkuk foresees the devastation the Babylonian army will cause and he has come to a point in his faith that now he says, "yet I will rejoice in the Lord". No matter what was going to happen in life, Habakkuk was going to stay content in the God of his salvation, maintaining his faith. As we grow in our faith, we grow in our contentment in God and redirect our lives to his service.
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