Angled front view with bag zipped and handles upright.


Habakkuk 3:1-19. We began our study seeing Habakkuk complain, "When, God?" regarding the rampant sin among God's people. Habakkuk thought God was sitting back doing nothing about their sin. Then God answered that he was going to use the Babylonians to punish Judah and Habakkuk complained, "Why, God?" because he wanted the wicked Babylonians punished and didn't understand why God would use them to punish his people. Finally, in our lesson today, Habakkuk has realized God is going to do what he's going to do and Habakkuk comes to understand God's words that the righteous will live by faith and he ends his book saying even though things will be as bad as they're going to get, he will still trust in God. He will still rejoice in the Lord and take joy in the God of his salvation. He came to understand that God was his strength, not his external circumstances. Habakkuk could say, "Thank you, God!"
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