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Habakkuk 1:12-2:20. At the beginning of chapter 1, we found the OT prophet, Habakkuk come before God pleading that he see the moral decline of his people and act to cause them to return to God. Then, God answers Habakkuk telling him something the prophet didn’t want to hear, saying he was going to use the wicked Babylonian army to punish Judah for their unfaithfulness.

In today’s passage, we find Habakkuk still has questions for God. He’s struggling with understanding his current situation with this evil army on their way to punish his people and what he knows to be true of God.

We’ve been there to some degree, haven’t we? Where our situation and what we know to be true of God doesn’t match up. Where we can understand why a good and loving God allows the terrible situation we see around us.

Habakkuk asks, “Why, God?”, and God tells him some things that get him closer to the greater faith he will have at the end of this book.
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