Angled front view with bag zipped and handles upright.


Luke 14:25-33. Imagine yourself building a home. What all is involved? Thousands of details and decisions, right? But one of the most important decisions is what do you want your home to look like? What’s the floor plan going to be? No one will confuse the home you’re building with some other kind of building. Why? Because it’s clear what you’re building. You’re building one thing and not another. You thought about it and decided to build a home and not a business. The same is true in building your family. If you’re building a godly home then that’s what you’re building, not something else. You’re not putting in cash registers, automatic sliding doors and a parking lot, because that’s not what you’re building. You’re building a home that lives for God. Be clear about what you’re building and then all your decisions are made in support of that plan.
© Copyright Bullard Church of Christ